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I started creating art at a young age and became passionate about all forms of it. I have dabbled in everything from ceramics to watercolor to charcoal and recently picked up graphic design within the past two years. Below are pieces I have done in class and for work.

Dairy & Beef Calendars
During the summer of 2023, I was a corporate communications intern at Select Sires Inc., the largest global A.I. cooperative. Though not from a cattle background, I quickly adapted to the language and culture, and given the role of developing the 2024 breeding calendars. These differ from your typical calendar because they are customized specifically for beef and dairy breeders. Each day has a heat date and due date, indicating to farmers when a cow might be due based on her heat date. I generated over eight design options for the calendar, presented each to my supervisors and finalized their favorite. It was unanimously decided upon to make photos the primary focal point of the calendar, meaning I had to keep the design simple, yet effective. This was created using Photoshop and InDesign. Scroll for images.

Dairy & Beef Calendars

Low Carbon Technologies Brand Identity
While working with Select Sires, the communications department was asked to generate a brand identity for Low Carbon Technologies, a newly acquired subsidiary of SSI. Two logos were requested with the identity; one that would be the face of the company and one that would reside on food products and indicate a low carbon certification. I created this identity, complete with a seal, logo, and website mockups. This was created in Illustrator.

Recruitment Kit Flyer
During the same Select Sires internship, I was given the responsibility of creating an entire recruitment kit from the ground up. I had full ability to customize every piece, down to the stickers that would be handed out. From start to finish, I designed each element, had them proofed by my team and personally communicated with printers and vendors to get each item made and delivered. This was created using InDesign. Scroll for images.

Recruitment Kit Flyer

Recruitment Kit Brochure
This is the second piece of recruitment kit, which goes into detail about Select Sires' mission, benefits and internship opportunities. This was created using InDesign and Photoshop. Scroll for images.

Recruitment Kit Brochure

Recruitment Kit Retractable Banners
Along with the flyer and brochure, I created a standing and tabletop banner that would serve as the attention-getter. I aimed to continue a cohesive vision throughout each element, which is why the banners closely represent the flyer. Having both a viewing and handout version minimizes information overload. Created in InDesign. Scroll for images.

Recruitment Kit Retractable Banners

Recruitment Kit Stickers
Given that the majority of my audience for the recruitment kit will be college/high school students, I wanted to create fun stickers that would fit well on water bottles and laptops. Created in Illustrator. Scroll for images.

Recruitment Kit Stickers

Restaurant Logo
For my graphic design class, we were tasked to create a logo for an obscure cultural restaurant. My assigned country was Samoa, and what I came up with was a logo for both a lunch/daytime menu, as well as a dinner/nighttime menu. This was created using Illustrator. Scroll for a mockup.

Restaurant Mockup
This is what I would see as being the sign for Suamalie. Part of the assignment was to create a high-end logo that was versatile yet simple. With it, I generated a tagline to help identify the culture (Samoa) and to have a fun play on words (Some-more).

Hope House Brochure
Although this was a class project, it was for the purpose of supplying a brochure to the Hope House, a shelter in Findlay. Each student was given a file containing photos and copy, and told to design their own brochure. Of the 20+ brochures created, students voted three as the favorites, all of which our professor presented to the client. In the end, my brochure was chosen by to Hope House to be their official brochure. This was created using InDesign.

Restaurant Menu
As a continuation of the last project, in class, we were given the logo of a fellow classmate and tasked to create a menu based on it. I created the written and visual content for this polished Italian restaurant, Gustoso.

JSWB Fabrication Brochure
This brochure was a freelance project done for JSWB Fabrication, a natural gas startup. Its purpose was to advertise a recently patented product to fellow members of the industry. Scroll to see the other side.

JSWB Fabrication Brochure

Art Exhibition Poster
I created this poster as part of a school project where we were tasked to create the poster for our school-wide art show. I primarily used Illustrator and was inspired by Piet Mondrian's work to create a bold, geometric poster.
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