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A graphic designer, a writer, a photographer, without the ability to curate a story with their work is talent left untapped. Storytelling, though hard to do from my screen to yours, is what ties off a project with a large, hand-crafted bow. Without it, one's work feels... unfinished. Below, you'll find two stories I've dedicated years of my time to, and stories I hope will leave you inspired to write your own. However, pictures and clips don't do these projects justice, so reach out to me and ask should you feel motivated to learn more.

"Look Up": A Photography Portfolio

Below is the culmination of a three-week study abroad trip to Seville, Spain. I went in the summer of 2022 and explored the winding streets of Seville, taking side trips to Paris, Portugal and Barcelona. The entirety of the trip had me craning my neck up past tourists, buildings and balconies to capture the often unnoticed beauty of each city, hence the birth of my portfolio, "Look Up".


"So, What Can You Do With an English Major?": The Humanities' Response to the Ineffable

Below is my capstone project that I completed and presented to over 50 faculty, staff, students and family in December of 2022. A semester later, I presented it to a room full of my peers at the Symposium Day at the University of Findlay. The project challenges the relationship between science and the humanities, ultimately concluding that both are necessary for a productive life. Weaved throughout the presentation are photos I took in Seville, to illustrate the clutch photography has on expressing timeless art. Feel free to read my full research paper and watch the video I created to accompany the project, both linked below, where I explore even further into what expression looks like in our tech-centered world.

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